Trusting on home remedies to cure common cold and cough ?
natural " home remedies for cough" is something that many people still believe .
Besides treating common cold and cough effectively , these "home remedies for cough" are also free from any side-effects .
and with our App you will find some of these home remedies that will help you treat common cold and cough .
what is a cough :
• cough definition
Cough is a sudden and often repetitively occurring, protective reflex, which helps to clear the large breathing passages from fluids, irritants,
foreign particles and microbes. The cough reflex consists of three phases: an inhalation, a forced exhalation against a closed glottis, and a
violent release of air from the lungs following opening of the glottis, usually accompanied by a distinctive sound. Coughing is either voluntary
or involuntary . but it can be cure with "home remedies for cough" .
A cough can be the result of a respiratory tract infection such as the common cold , acute bronchitis , pneumonia , pertussis , or tuberculosis acute coughs
• Symptoms Of Cough
whooping cough can occur with other signs and symptoms , which may include:
A runny or stuffy nose
A feeling of liquid running down the back of your throat (postnasal drip)
Frequent throat clearing and sore throat
Heartburn or a sour taste in your mouth
Wheezing and shortness of breath
In rare cases, coughing up blood
• what helps a cough
- Clearing the throat
- Viruses and bacteria
- Asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Smoking
- Postnasal drip
- Medicines
- Infections
- GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease )
- Blood pressure drugs
other Less commonly, chronic cough may be caused by :
Bronchiectasis (damaged airways)
Cystic fibrosis
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (stomach acid flows up into the throat)
Lung cancer
Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis (airway inflammation but it'sn't caused by asthma)
Sarcoidosis (collections of inflammatory cells in different parts of your body , most commonly the lungs)
Having a persistent cough can be exhausting . Coughing can cause a variety of other problems , including :
• Headache
• Excessive sweating
• Dizziness
• Loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence)
• Passing out , syncope
• Fractured ribs
how to stop coughing
how to get rid of a cough by using this home natural remedies for cough :
• Cough Syrup Recipe
• Black pepper and honey
• Hot Shower Benefits
• Thyme Tea
• Suck a lemon
• Commercial tea blends
• Licorice
• Ginger
Other diseases causes cough :
- AIDS Candidiasis, Paresthesia, Opportunistic infection
- Allergy Rhinitis, Dyspnea, Bloating
- Anaplastic thyroid cancer Lower neck mass, Dysphagia, Hemoptysis
- Aneurysm Bleeding, Pain, Dysphagia
- Avian influenza Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Viral pneumonia, Fever
- Bronchitis or Asthma
- Chickenpox Nausea, Papule, Abdominal pain
- Common cold Rhinitis, Shivering, Nasal congestion
- Dust pneumonia Labored breathing, High-grade fever, Cough
- Emphysema Dyspnea, Anorexia, Wheeze
- Endocarditis Dyspnea, Petechia, Night Sweats
- Goitre Dyspnea, Exophthalmos, Neck mass
- Influenza Watery eyes, Red eye, Fever
- Kaposi's sarcoma Dyspnea, Lymphedema, Hemoptysis
- Lung cancer Nail clubbing, Dyspnea, Cachexia
- Medullary thyroid cancer Thyroid nodule, Hemoptysis, Breathing problems
- Non-small cell lung cancer Dyspnea, Back pain, Hemoptysis
- Pectus excavatum Frequent respiratory infections, Fatigue, Palpitation
- Pneumonia Dyspnea, Sweating, Fatigue
- Quadriplegia Dyspnea, Paresthesia, Erectile dysfunction
- Rhinitis Nasal congestion, Watery eyes, Insomnia
- Sinusitis Nausea, Nasal congestion, Fever
- sore throat
- Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Dyspnea, Back pain, Dysphagia
- Stevens–Johnson syndrome Pharyngitis, Pain, Blister
- Cancer of the larynx
- Tonsillitis Laryngitis, Lymphadenopathy, Pharyngitis
- Tuberculosis Dyspnea, Chronic cough, Night Sweats
- Upper respiratory tract infection Bronchitis, Rhinitis, Laryngitis
Percaya pada rawatan rumah untuk mengubati selsema dan batuk?
semula jadi "ubat rumah untuk batuk" adalah sesuatu yang masih percaya ramai orang.
Selain merawat selsema dan batuk dengan berkesan, ini "ubat rumah untuk batuk" juga bebas daripada sebarang kesan sampingan.
dan dengan App kami, anda akan menemui beberapa ubat-ubatan rumah yang akan membantu anda merawat selsema dan batuk.
apa yang batuk:
• definisi batuk
Batuk ialah, refleks perlindungan secara tiba-tiba dan sering berulang-ulang yang berlaku, yang membantu untuk membersihkan saluran pernafasan besar dari cecair, iritasi,
zarah asing dan mikrob. Batuk refleks terdiri daripada tiga fasa: yang penyedutan, pengeluaran nafas paksa terhadap celah suara tertutup dan
pelepasan ganas udara dari paru-paru berikut pembukaan celah suara, biasanya diiringi oleh bunyi yang tersendiri. Batuk adalah sama ada secara sukarela
atau sukarela. tetapi ia boleh menjadi penawar dengan "ubat rumah untuk batuk".
batuk boleh menjadi hasil daripada jangkitan saluran pernafasan seperti selesema, bronkitis akut, radang paru-paru, batuk kokol, atau batuk kering batuk akut
• Gejala Batuk
batuk kokol boleh berlaku dengan tanda-tanda dan gejala-gejala lain, yang mungkin termasuk:
Hidung berair atau tersumbat
Perasaan cecair berlari ke bahagian belakang tekak anda (titisan hingus)
Kerap penjelasan tekak dan sakit tekak
Pedih ulu hati atau rasa masam dalam mulut anda
Berdehit dan sesak nafas
Dalam kes-kes yang jarang berlaku, batuk darah
• apa yang membantu batuk
- Mengosongkan tekak
- Virus dan bakteria
- Asma
- bronkitis kronik
- Merokok
- titisan hingus
- Ubat-ubatan
- Jangkitan
- GERD (Gastroesophageal penyakit refluks)
- ubat tekanan darah
Kurang lain yang biasa, batuk kronik boleh disebabkan oleh:
Bronchiectasis (rosak saluran pernafasan)
Sistik Fibrosis
refluks Laryngopharyngeal (asid perut mengalir ke dalam tekak)
Kanser paru-paru
Nonasthmatic bronkitis eosinophilic (keradangan saluran udara tetapi it'sn't disebabkan oleh asma)
Sarcoidosis (koleksi sel-sel radang di bahagian-bahagian yang berlainan di badan anda, yang paling biasa paru-paru)
Mempunyai batuk yang berterusan boleh meletihkan. Batuk boleh menyebabkan pelbagai masalah lain, termasuk:
• Sakit kepala
• berpeluh berlebihan
• Pening
• Hilang kawalan pundi kencing (inkontinen kencing)
• Lulus keluar, pengsan
• rusuk patah
bagaimana untuk menghentikan batuk
bagaimana untuk menghilangkan batuk dengan menggunakan rumah ini ubat semula jadi untuk batuk:
• Batuk Syrup Recipe
• Lada hitam dan madu
• Faedah Pancuran Hot
• Teh Thyme
• menghisap limau
• campuran teh Commercial
• Licorice
• Ginger
Penyakit-penyakit lain menyebabkan batuk:
- AIDS Candidiasis, paresthesia, jangkitan oportunis
- Alahan Rhinitis, Dyspnea, Kembung
- kanser tiroid anaplastic massa leher yang lebih rendah, Dysphagia, hemoptysis
- Aneurysm Pendarahan, Pain, Dysphagia
- influenza Avian akut sindrom masalah pernafasan, radang paru-paru Viral, Fever
- Bronkitis atau Asma
- Cacar Loya, Papul, Sakit perut
- Common sejuk Rinitis, menggigil, kesesakan hidung
- Dust pneumonia sukar bernafas, demam gred tinggi, Batuk
- Emfisema Dyspnea, Anorexia, Bubar
- Endokarditis Dyspnea, Petekia, Malam Sweats
- Goiter Dyspnea, Exophthalmos, jisim leher
- mata Influenza berair, mata merah, Fever
- Kaposi sarcoma Dyspnea, Lymphedema, hemoptysis
- Kanser paru-paru Nail clubbing, Dyspnea, Kakeksia
- Medulari kanser tiroid nodul tiroid, hemoptysis, masalah pernafasan
- Larangan kecil kanser paru-paru sel Dyspnea, Sakit belakang, hemoptysis
- Pectus excavatum jangkitan pernafasan yang kerap, keletihan, berdebar-debar
- Pneumonia Dyspnea, Berpeluh, Keletihan
- Quadriplegia Dyspnea, paresthesia, disfungsi erektil
- kesesakan Rinitis hidung, mata berair, Insomnia
- Sinusitis Loya, kesesakan hidung, Fever
- sakit tekak
- Sel Kecil Lung Karsinoma Dyspnea, Sakit belakang, Dysphagia
- Stevens-Johnson sindrom Sakit tekak, Sakit, telah
- Kanser larinks
- Tonsillitis Laryngitis, limfadenopati, Sakit tekak
- Tuberculosis Dyspnea, batuk kronik, Malam Sweats
- Upper jangkitan saluran pernafasan Bronchitis, Rinitis, Laryngitis